Healing karmic patterns and ancestral wounds
Hello beautiful soul family,
I am writing to you from my hometown where I grew up, in Minnesota, coming back to my roots after so many years living and traveling abroad.
Over these past few weeks (mostly since. the Spring Equinox) I’ve been feeling so many emotions re-surfacing. Energetically, we are in a new moon phase with Chiron conjunct the new moon in Aries. This means that Chiron, astrologically representing the wounded healer, is illuminating old wounds so that we can clear and heal through them. Additionally, solar flares and light plasma has been hitting the earth more strongly in recent days. The collective energy has been like tidal wave surges. How have you all been feeling??
I must write from a place that is real for me, so I wish to share my unfolding journey with you in the hope that any of my life lessons, stories, experiences, or learnings and teachings may serve you as well in your journey. As we all aim for this thing called Ascension. As we all strive for spiritual development and soul growth.
But here’s the thing. What if we don’t need to strive? What if it’s not an aim that we need to exert ourselves for? What if it’s ALREADY happening — whether we strive for it or not.
Our souls were meant for growth. Chances are, if you’re here, you’re one of the ones doing it consciously. Even the unconscious ones — even they accidentally grow a little as they go about this thing called life.
Now, I’m feeling called to bring through this message for the conscious ones — that whether you’re trying or not, whether you’re ready or not, your soul is constantly rising, expanding into greater heights, testing out new dimensions and elevating into new levels of ascension. Because that’s who you ARE. That’s what your Soul knows and came here for. You are on the path, everything that is happening around you, right now, even the shit, is helping you grow.
But you already know that.
I’m just here to suggest that the striving is not required, because you already are living it. And the simple act of living and being the absolute most UN-striving but rather BE-ing version of yourself is exactly what will take you to the next level that you’re striving for. (ironically, I know.)
As I sit here in the place where I grew up, I remind myself that I brought myself here consciously, very intentionally to face my biggest challenges head-on. To dive into the fray instead of running away. For me, this has always been family — or, more specifically, my relationship with one particular family member. I have done much healing around my mother’s death when I was 15. And I have healed my relationship with my father into a beautiful, loving and supportive friendship. But one relationship remains challenging.
As I had an in-depth conversation with this person the other day, I asked myself: What is this teaching me? Why did my soul incarnate into this situation and choose to experience this? What am I supposed to learn?
I immediately received the answer: this is teaching me…what true Unconditional Love is.
Without going into the details of the situation or relationship to afford the individuals in my family the privacy and confidentiality that they deserve, it is difficult to paint a picture of what exactly my challenges with this person have looked like throughout my life. You may be wondering, is it really that bad? The truth is, it is not important. When we focus on the problem, the problem persists. If I were to tell you of how much abuse I have been through, I could easily fall into the ego/victim trap. I would perpetuate the narrative.
It is, however, helpful to acknowledge. To recognize the situation with clarity. To wake up to the reality of the situation. This is an epiphany I had recently. Previously, I have held an overly optimistic stance, giving the benefit of the doubt, making excuses on behalf of the other person, even painting them in a good light and constantly looking at myself, reflecting on myself, my actions, trying to change and better myself.
And while this is all good, it can become toxic to yourself at a certain point. With so much personal development work, or spiritual work, we are constantly told that we create our reality, therefore we are responsible for everything in our reality because we created it. Therefore, if something bad/negative exists in our reality, we are either doing something wrong, being something wrong, or something bad/negative inside of us is creating it/calling it in. In short, that there is something wrong with us that we have to change.
I’m here to tell you that that is bullshit.
Or at least, it is not helpful to put the blame on ourselves. Or others for that matter.
Yes, we do get to create our reality. But we are not responsible for other people. How others treat us is on them. How we allow it to continue is on us.
The lessons we choose to learn from it is on us. The boundaries we choose to set (or lack thereof that we perpetuate) is on us.
If you are here reading this, I trust that this is relevant for you in some way. And so I would like to tell you that most likely, YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. Of course, this does not mean that you are blindly diverting responsibility. See your actions with clarity, know yourself, and acknowledge the truth of the situation. Then Love, accept, and forgive yourself. Love, accept, and forgive the other person. If you do not know how, start with acceptance. Acceptance of the situation in its CLARITY, without judgement. Without bias. And if you can, bring in compassion. If you do not know how, simply ask “How can I see this through the eyes of compassion?” Open your heart, and see what you receive.
Most often, we also need to learn how to have compassion for ourselves.
Family wounds, ancestral wounds, are often the ones that run the most deep, that require the most strength to heal.
Know that you are strong. But not because you have to be. You are strong because you are. Because your soul has strength that surprises even you sometimes. And it is also safe to be vulnerable. To not have to be the face of strength and toughness all the time. Because you deserve to be held too. There is nothing to prove.
This is a new moon.
And not just any new moon.
It is a new moon in Aries, the first sign of the astrological year. The first new moon of the new year in astrology.
If ever there was a cosmic time of new beginnings, it is now.
Start anew. Old wounds are re-surfacing so that you can heal them. Heal them, and move on. Do not shuffle them under the rug. But neither do you have to dwell on them. Let them rise…and rise…and rise…until they no longer belong to you.
Healing does not have to be hard. We can choose.
We can simply choose to heal — not knowing how — but the decision, the intention, will be carried and heard by the universe and it will happen. Because you decided.
So choose, today, to heal something that’s coming up for you now. That is most relevant for you right now. That is the one that it’s time to let go of. Its time with you has expired. It’s ready to be released.
Feel it rise…and be carried away into nothingness on the back of the wind.
Returned to Source Light.
It is gone.
And you are free.
To start a new journey. To be yourself.
With a sigh of relief,
You are finally free.
To be everything you have always wanted.
To be everything you always were, really. And maybe just didn’t realize yet. Or allow yourself to be.
Everything you are, in all your being-ness, at the core of your soul.
You are it.
And this is your time.
PS - if you know someone who would benefit from this message, please share! 🤍