Write Your Way to Clarity

Get Soul-Certain Clarity on Exactly What You Want

We are good at doing things.

But sometimes we don’t know what exactly to do, where to put our focus, what direction we should go full speed ahead on because we aren’t sure if that direction is really what we want, if it’s a true choice. 

When we know what we want, then we can go all in, at full speed ahead.

The key is having the clarity to know exactly what that is. What we want. What direction we’re committing to.

This course is designed to help you get that clarity. 

At the end of 11 days, you will have crystal clear clarity on what you want in life, what direction you want to take, and the conviction you need to fully go with confidence in that direction.

It is not that we are incapable, that we lack motivation, lack a sense of purpose or drive. It is often that we are too much of these all at once without a clear sense of what to focus on. It is that we are incredibly capable, motivated, with a desire to do great things in this world – but that can come in so many different forms. What form do you actually want it to take? 

That is where we get stuck. And have trouble moving forward – not because we don’t want to, or for a lack of things to do or create (usually it’s the opposite – that the possibilities are so many!) – but because we do not have clarity on what it is that we can get behind and commit to with every fiber of our being.

We don’t want to sell ourselves short. We don’t want to do something just for the sake of doing it. We don’t want to do anything that’s not true for us, that’s out of alignment. But what is the thing that is completely true, that is completely in alignment? If we had 100% clarity on this, a complete certainty and soul knowing, then we could go do it. The doing would be easy! If only we knew…exactly what we wanted to do.

I recently went through this process of aligning my business back to my absolute soul truth. The key for me was getting clarity. Clarity. To see so clearly the big picture vision, as well as the now steps to move toward it. Once I had the clarity, it felt like I was riding on the wind with a strong gust blowing at my back, taking me in the direction of my true soul desires. What I really want.

This is a process to get clarity. Soul-certain, unwavering, ground-shaking clarity. On what you really want. On what you are really here to do, be, create. Full, complete, clarity.

If you desire full clarity in any area of your life, on anything that’s been on your mind, join me in this immersive course, Write Your Way to Clarity

In this course I will be giving you the exact journal prompts, key questions, hitting and dissolving the points of contention within you to unravel what is at the core of what you really desire from a place of soul truth. 

We come back to soul. We come back to alignment. We come back to your innermost truth. Your true heart’s desires. We get clarity on all of this, and then we see how to make it happen.

This process is applicable to ANYTHING you are desiring clarity around. It is a process of unveiling, of shedding the distractions of what is not true, letting go of all the things that are pulling on your attention and energy that are not required to be there, and dropping in so deeply into what is true in your soul. Coming home to a knowingness that yes, this is what I truly want. This is what it’s been all along. I know now. It’s clear. It’s all so clear to me now. 

^^ That is the feeling I want you to have.

Because there is no better feeling than knowing that you are on purpose, you are on track, on the right track, with soul certainty and knowing, and with that all the forces of the universe propel you forward in the direction of your dreams.

  • Upon signing up, you will receive access to the exclusive members area where the course is housed. 

  • The course is paced over 11 days/modules. Each day contains a brief video training on the clarity work for that day, accompanied by journal prompts for you to write and journal on. This is where the magic happens. You will be Writing Your Way to Clarity. You will be accessing your soul truth and allowing it to come forward, to be shown to you.

  • You will have lifetime access to the course. You can complete it on your own time as needed. This is yours. You will have the process. You will have the course. You can revisit it whenever you need clarity around anything in the future.

How It Works


  • A powerful 11-day/module sequence that takes you through the process of gaining clarity and rearranging your reality

  • Each module contains a brief (2-7min) video explanation of the day’s work + journal prompts and coursework to help reveal exactly what is going on under the surface, uncovering more of your soul truth and own internal guidance

  • Lifetime access to the course so that you can revisit it any time you need clarity around something! 

  • 2 audio meditations for enhanced visualization and embodiment

Get clear on what you desire, to make it happen!

I can’t wait to support you on this journey to get you the true soul clarity you’ve been longing for.

See you on the inside,

❤︎ Simone