
from people we love, who have come and experienced ❤︎

“As a scholar and teacher of World Religions I have spent most of my life studying and working with ‘healers’ from around the globe — whether shamans, priests, monks, or nuns. All of these healers possess an aura of power and calm immediately perceptible. Yet in all my years of working with healers from Zen Buddhist monks to Mayan shamans to Franciscan priests I have never encountered anyone with the presence, energy, and healing power of Simone. She is a true holistic healer. She blends her knowledge of Eastern, Western, and Indigenous spirituality with her own inner wisdom to create a unique, powerful, and transformative healing experience. Whether you experience a sound healing ceremony or book a one-on-one session with Simone you are certain to encounter a transcendent, healing experience returning you to your own soul sound and source. In the spirit of all true shamans and healers, after experiencing time with Simone and her healing events one immediately feels they have somehow returned to their own true nature and calling and she has made one's path clear again.”

— Chris Ciambarella, World Religions Scholar and Teacher

“Deep and profound. It’s nothing like any of the other spiritual workshops out there. Simone was able to melt and heal the deepest scars and darkest pains in my soul and had me come out a lighter, better, and a different person. To say it was “life-changing”, would be no exaggeration. In this course, I have also learnt to become a healer myself. To be able to heal myself and to help heal loved ones is a lifelong and invaluable skill to have. It also enables the continuous creation of joy and abundance in your life. It’s a true blessing to have found Simone. Thank you. With so much love,

— Veronica Lin, Former PTS English News Anchor

“Simone is awesome. She is the best! Simone brought out all the positive energy inside me in a way that I am no longer backward looking but filled with confidence that I will succeed in my work and wealth building. This attitude and mindset change brings practical and magical results. Recently on one evening, we had a sound session that allowed me to travel in time and space and observe my own positive energy to create success. The next day, I signed a partnership agreement with a major industry leader. It’s amazing!”

— Hang Zhang, CEO and President of Huabin, Inc.

“Simone has an amazing ability to connect with God.

I will treasure my soul song always; so much so I like to have my soul song on speed dial! As soon as I listen to it, it’s like I can breath again…all the tightness in my body just melts away and I feel so alive with so much energy. My posture gets better and my body starts to move better. It feels like a ‘reset’ button has been pressed and my body mind and soul begin to perfectly communicate to each other. It’s something you need to experience for yourself. It was like I was an open vessel and water was easily flowing through all my veins…I felt no resistance, it immediately released all blockages in my body soo freaking powerful…no healing modality has ever affected ALL of my body all at once like this!

Worth every penny! Highly recommended! I’m so grateful for Simone that she listened to God in bringing in this very powerful new healing modality to allow me to find my truth and connect with my soul. Whenever I start to get a bit out of balance I just listen to my soul song and it immediately rejuvenates me! I also like to listen to my soul song just before I commence a creative project as it instantly puts me in my heart space so I can co-create with God. Thank you Simone! You are an angel! Xx”

— Elena Sottolano, Evolutionary Astrologer and Shamanic Healer

"I had an astral travel/soul retrieval session with Simone and it was truly such a special experience. She's someone that makes you feel instantly comfortable to be around and she's able to hold space for you without judgment. Her session was very intuitively led and her sound healing really blew me away — even though it was remote, I could feel the energy coursing through my body as if she was right in front of me. It was definitely intense and she made me feel extremely safe throughout. In our astral travel, Simone revealed parts of myself that I didn't know were in me and she guided me back to a home planet. She has a really special way with words and described everything with such vivid detail. It was a joy to experience, and she would often invite me to describe what I saw. Through this, I discovered to trust my own voice and intuition, as we would often be seeing the same things. I came away from the session feeling much more grounded within myself and inspired for what's to come. Thank you so much, Simone. I can't wait to work with you again."

— Anna Zhou, Screenplay Writer, Actress and Filmmaker

“I’ve attended various mind-spiritual sessions before, but none quite as effective for me as Simone’s Sound Healing Activation.

Her intuitive visualization guidance for goal-setting and energy flow enabled me to find better mental clarity and focus as well as the willpower to act immediately.

The financial goals I set during the session manifested in some strange ways. Trading in crypto, stocks, and futures markets, it is rare for me to hold positions in all 3 asset classes at the same time, and rarer still for them to all move favorably on the same day — but that’s what happened the day after our sound healing meditation.

Additionally, the predominant futures market I focus on moved that day exactly in sync with my trading strategy, enabling perfect entry & exit executions — a less than 10% occurrence typically.

In the following week, I was also entrusted with a sizable amount of funds to invest on another’s behalf, out of nowhere. Social interactions at various events during the week also went in-line with my visualized goal of bringing more charismatic energy to 2022.

All in all, very fortuitous outcomes thus far from my Sound Healing Activation with Simone, and definitely an experience I’d want to repeat again soon.”

— Jeff Lin, Financial Trader & Crypto Investor

“There’s something so special about Simone that instantly puts you in a state of calm and peace when you step into her presence. Her dedication to creating a safe community of healing manifests so beautifully in her sound healing, where she channels powerful sound frequencies to heal the mind, body, and soul. I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with Simone and to have gained not only a friend, but a mentor — she has taught me how to trust my own soul's guidance, to "be discerning, and always follow your own heart".”

— Maggie Lee, Environmental Activist and Host of It’s Growing Season Podcast

“人與人之間,我常常覺得一個人散發的氣息很重要。這會決定你會不會想再進一步認識他或是跟他學習,我常在想,一個好的療癒的老師,他應該具備哪些特質? 那我可以跟你說,Simone老師是一個你一定要認識的好老師!他很低調,但他的課程卻非常踏實且有內涵。他的聲音溫柔,他的笑容很溫暖,在一開始就放鬆你的緊繃情緒。對於第一次接觸聲音療癒課程的我,課堂使用的水晶缽純淨的聲音和simone老師的溫柔唱誦中,我發現課程中和課程後的我都有不同情緒的釋放。2020.06.21 是我第一次參加水晶缽聲音療癒課程,截至2021年,目前已經參加過3次活動課程,你會發現不設限的進入simone老師的聲音療癒課程,你會獲得比你所想的還要更多更多,我還會繼續跟simone老師學習。”

— Su Wen-Hsuan, Co-Founder of Pavo Jewelry & Art





— Calee Chen, Graphic Designer and Artist