Follow your Truth, you will always be guided to the right place.

Hello hello from Santa Fe!!

I have so many things to share with you. And I am writing from such a happy place!

First, how did I get here?? And what am I doing here?

It was a cold and snowy Monday night. All was quiet in the house. No one was stirring, not even a mouse.

Okay, not quite - but actually, that’s not too far off!

It was an ordinary (cold and snowy 😁) Monday night in Minnesota. I was preparing for bed. The next day was the epic Juptier-Neptune in Pisces conjunction that all the astrologers were talking about. What did this mean? What did this mean for me?

The thing is, I have never been a huge believer in astrology. I mean - I believe in it of course, in that the planets orbit around us in the galaxy, and they do have certain gravitational pulls and influences on us. But I have never wanted to feel limited, labeled, constrained, or told what I am or am supposed to be or supposed to feel by my astrological sign, or by Mercury retrograde, or some combination of things that is supposed to define me.

I elude definition.

And at the same time, I do deeply respect the planets and the earth especially as being cosmic and divine beings. And that the alignment of them in the cosmos does have significance. Often, great significance. Star gates open, yes — but this is a topic for another time. Sometimes it can all feel a bit hypocritical, but that’s the beauty of living a divine human existence in a duality oneness world. 😆

So back to my story — it was Monday night, the next day was this Jupiter-Neptune Tuesday, and I just felt…like I needed to be somewhere else.

Like I needed to be in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

So I booked a flight, packed my bags that night, and flew in the early morning.

And my spirit felt….lifted. Free. I felt on fire. Like I was flying.

And this is how I love to feel. How I love to operate. How I love to have my life be.

That you just decide to do something — and the next minute you’re doing it.

And for me especially, it’s the freedom of travel.

I just feel lit up when I can go somewhere, anywhere, on a whim, at a moment’s notice, drop everything and go on an adventure. It’s the best feeling there is.

And because I did this (aka followed my joy/inspiration/heart/intuition/soul), I met all the amazing right people, in all the right places, at exactly the right times. In these short few days, I met a luxury world travel guide who sat down in the tatami seating area at the restaurant where I was eating just after I randomly wrote a message on the paper bag that had previously contained my chocolate chip cookie because my phone had died and suddenly a message was coming through me and I had to write it down not knowing who it was for and then gave it to this stranger who was in fact not a stranger who had just sat down in front of me and it’s really not for him but for you:

above said message for your soul, paired with veggie gyoza and my favorite dessert: mango sticky rice

And looking for apartments and houses, planning on moving to/spending some time in Santa Fe this summer, met a realtor whose energy I just love, who drove me all around town and surrounding areas, to a million dollar home she was managing, conversing under the high desert sun as new-found friends.

To asking the girl at the table beside me at a cafe to take a photo for me, who turns out to be a photographer (and I am looking for a photographer!), and indeed a soul sister, to then having soul conversations for 3hrs, with me channeling spiritual life mentorship as I do with the key question “Who would you be if you didn’t have to be anything?” and her helping me find a last-minute listing of a house which I then visit the very morning before my flight back to MN which I fall in love with and could actually see myself living in.

It is just moment after moment of…the universe delivering synchronicities and the right people, places, opportunities.

photo of me at Manolla cafe taken by afore mentioned photographer Paui Pueo

Which all leads to the message that I have for you today:

Everything lines up when you follow the truth of your soul.

And maybe the truth of your soul looks very different for you. Maybe it’s not travel (or booking a flight in the middle of the night and leaving the next morning) — maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s…enjoying food. Or music. Or dancing. Maybe it’s snuggling up at night with a cozy book or movie with your partner or dog or cat or yourself and your hot chocolate or whatever it may be — don’t judge it. Don’t judge the truth of what’s inside you! There is nothing wrong with what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with who you are, or who you want to be.

It is in the full acceptance of our soul’s truth that we can…fully just be! And allow everything to fall into place for us.

Without effort.

Without struggle.

Without scarcity.

Without fear.

Without any of the belief that…it can’t be this good.

Just let yourself live. Meet yourself where you are.

Where you are is perfect.

And where you’re going is far better than you could even imagine.

Keep your head up and take one right step at a time, toward your soul inner knowing.

Follow your guidance.

When you listen to the truth of your soul, you will never be led astray.

Go on, young wanderer, go where you’re divinely guided.

This is your sign. ✨

Love always,


PS - My AMAZING fabulous live portal + membership + vault of energy healing practices and activations that will take you to where you want to go The Ascension Library is now live and AVAILABLE AT A SPECIAL LAUNCH PRICE! Want to be completely free and in flow, guided and led to exactly where you are meant to be? Want to follow your heart’s desires — and really live the life you are meant to live? Use the discount code: TALLAUNCH (before April 30th!) to access hours of sound recordings, healing, clearings, activations, meditations, manifestation visualizations to help you get to the place where you want to go. Truly. It’s amazing. Live workshops every month. In my energy, in my space. We do this together. Every month. Everyday access. E-l-e-v-a-t-i-o-n.


In Honor of my Mother — Remembrance & Celebration


Healing karmic patterns and ancestral wounds