The Coming of an Age of Peace

We have walked this planet for aeons of time.

We know it well, its soil, its soul.

We know the temperament of her being. Her softness, her fertility. We know the rhythms of her nature. Her smile and her rage.

We know what it is like to walk here. And we have walked with you for thousands of years.

You, bringer of the light, we hope to hear this message.

We are the ones of birth. The ones who will carry the mission forward into the dawn of a new age.

In which we live together as equals. Side by side, truly in honor of each other and life.

We are the ones to create this. The coming of an age of peace.

Will you choose this?

Will you be part of the choice?

To create a future, a present, a reality, that you stand for?

— from the guides of New Earth, channeled through Simone


Water, Crystal Waters